Twinsburg Chiropractor for Health and Wellness
Chiropractic care is not just about low back pain, neck pain, headaches or pain in the arms and legs. It’s about making
sure your nervous system and body is functioning properly.
Family Chiropractic Care
Twinsburg chiropractors, Dr. Paul Bizjak and Dr. Michael Abood have seen thousands of patients
with every health problem you can imagine. Chiropractic care can become part of your family’s
solution for aches, pains, injuries and much more.
Explore Our Website
We are motivated by the excitement of helping families reach a higher level of health and better
quality of life through the care and information we provide. Please explore our chiropractic site
so you fully understand what chiropractic is and the services, like pregnancy care,
we offer in our office.
If you have any questions or to schedule a time for a new patient consultation, just give us a
call and we would be happy to help you.